The Care Projects are under the Conservancy and Community Trust of SGC, the community 501c3 non-profit. Formed in 2013 to provide a means for our neighbors to support projects and volunteer programs through donations of food, clothing, monetary sums, and other items as requested. The Care Projects place donation bins and baskets at the clubhouse for donations. Bins include a hamper for gently used children’s clothing for Kids’ Needs of Englewood, a wooden house box for drink pull tabs for the Ronald McDonald House, a box for eyeglasses for the Lion’s Club, and a basket for hotel size toiletries for the Jesus Loves You mobile shower for the homeless. Information on projects or collections can be obtained through monthly newsletters, clubhouse bulletin boards, the CCT Facebook page, or contacting a Care Project member. Our two signature projects occur in the late summer and early fall.
- August is back to school supplies and Backpacks for Kids’ Needs-these items go directly to students enrolled in local schools or in need of supplies
- Santa Sack prep begins in August following the Back to School collections
- December we assemble our Santa Sacks for Englewood Meal on Wheels recipients. The sacks include a variety of treats, toiletries, and Christmas gifts. Monies for these projects are collected through donations and fundraising. Our committee has several local businesses that we work with for donations.
To donate to the Care Committee to assist with our projects, please: CLICK HERE
Santa Sacks 2022